Quotes From "Before The Fall" By Noah Hawley

In this way he used her as the North Star...
In this way he used her as the North Star on a journey where you always want to go south. It was helpful, aligning himself in this way. It gave him something to tune to, like a violin to a piano. Noah Hawley
Art exists not inside the piece itself, but inside the mind of the viewer. Noah Hawley
You need hope to form a thought. It takes- I don't know-optimism to speak, to engage in conversation. Because really, what's the point of all this communicating? What difference does it really make what we say to each other? Or what we do, for that matter? Noah Hawley
We all become caricatures of ourselves, if we live long enough Noah Hawley
Life is a series of decisions and reactions. It is the things you do and the things that are done to you. And then it's over. Noah Hawley